Jornalismo -A realidade por baixo do diáfano manto da fantasia

Num blog aula de jornalismo encontro um bonito poema de um professor de jornalismo.
What makes an effective journalist?
I believe that these are
some of the qualities a journalist should have:
An open mind, a willingness to learn,
and the knowledge that things
are not always what they seem to be.
A belief in human dignity
and compassion upon whom
the world too often heaps indignities.
An abiding concern for justice.
A dedication to the truth.
A sense of humor.
Clique aqui para ver o poema completo
Não sendo jornalista sinto porém que não é isso que acontece
Decido investigar a matéria.
Decido ver quais os jornais de maior tiragem e ver se os jornalistas que neles trabalham correspondem às caracteristicas que segundo o Professor fazem um bom jornalista.
Descubro que um dos jornais com mais tiragem na europa é o Bild alemão.
E Assim se trabalha no Bild
Cito da wikipedia:
Em 1977 o jornalista de investigação Gunther Wallraff trabalhou 4 meses como editor do bild , o periódico com mais circulação na alemanha .
Em dois livros seus ele descreve a sua experiência como membro do staff editorial do jornal e o tipo de jornalismo que lá encontrou.
O corpo editorial do jornal demonstrava dezprezo pela humanidade, falta de respeito pela privacidade do cidadão comum e generalizada falta de ética na investigação ou edição das notícias.
(fim citação)
Em síntese: A realidade é exactamente ao contrário daquilo que o professor afirma ela dever ser.
Para além disso o rigor é valor cada vez mais em baixa no jornalismo internacional.
Dois casos ilustram esta afirmação.
Em 2002 , em toda a imprensa europeia Israel é acusado de realizar massacres em Jenin.
Meses depois um relatório da ONU refere que 52 palestinos morreram em 2 semanas de combates.
Não ocorrem massacres nenhuns.
Um jornalista do influente Guardian admite ter-se enganado.
Em 2006 anónimos descobrem que fotos de Beirute distribuidas pela reuters foram alteradas com Fotoshop.
E a reuters confirma despedindo o jornalista free lancer que as havia vendido à agência noticiosa.

À esquerda. Foto divulgada pla reuters. Verificou-se ser alterada.
À direita a foto não alterada divulgada pela agência noticiosa depois de ter reconhecido o erro.
Clique aqui para ler o artigo completo do new york times
Esta é a noticia original do New York Times
O Público vai-se limitar a traduzi-la sem -por exemplo- investigar o relatório da câmara dos representantes de que se fala na notícia.
Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terrorism Threat
Published: September 24, 2006
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23 — A stark assessment of terrorism trends by American intelligence agencies has found that the American invasion and occupation of Iraq has helped spawn a new generation of Islamic radicalism and that the overall terrorist threat has grown since the Sept. 11 attacks.
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Forum: The Transition in Iraq
The classified National Intelligence Estimate attributes a more direct role to the Iraq war in fueling radicalism than that presented either in recent White House documents or in a report released Wednesday by the House Intelligence Committee, according to several officials in Washington involved in preparing the assessment or who have read the final document.
The intelligence estimate, completed in April, is the first formal appraisal of global terrorism by United States intelligence agencies since the Iraq war began, and represents a consensus view of the 16 disparate spy services inside government. Titled “Trends in Global Terrorism: Implications for the United States,’’ it asserts that Islamic radicalism, rather than being in retreat, has metastasized and spread across the globe.
An opening section of the report, “Indicators of the Spread of the Global Jihadist Movement,” cites the Iraq war as a reason for the diffusion of jihad ideology.
The report “says that the Iraq war has made the overall terrorism problem worse,” said one American intelligence official.
More than a dozen United States government officials and outside experts were interviewed for this article, and all spoke only on condition of anonymity because they were discussing a classified intelligence document. The officials included employees of several government agencies, and both supporters and critics of the Bush administration. All of those interviewed had either seen the final version of the document or participated in the creation of earlier drafts. These officials discussed some of the document’s general conclusions but not details, which remain highly classified.
Officials with knowledge of the intelligence estimate said it avoided specific judgments about the likelihood that terrorists would once again strike on United States soil. The relationship between the Iraq war and terrorism, and the question of whether the United States is safer, have been subjects of persistent debate since the war began in 2003.
National Intelligence Estimates are the most authoritative documents that the intelligence community produces on a specific national security issue, and are approved by John D. Negroponte, director of national intelligence. Their conclusions are based on analysis of raw intelligence collected by all of the spy agencies.
Analysts began working on the estimate in 2004, but it was not finalized until this year. Part of the reason was that some government officials were unhappy with the structure and focus of earlier versions of the document, according to officials involved in the discussion.
Previous drafts described actions by the United States government that were determined to have stoked the jihad movement, like the indefinite detention of prisoners at Guantánamo Bay and the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal, and some policy makers argued that the intelligence estimate should be more focused on specific steps to mitigate the terror threat. It is unclear whether the final draft of the intelligence estimate criticizes individual policies of the United States, but intelligence officials involved in preparing the document said its conclusions were not softened or massaged for political purposes.
Frederick Jones, a White House spokesman, said the White House “played no role in drafting or reviewing the judgments expressed in the National Intelligence Estimate on terrorism.” The estimate’s judgments confirm some predictions of a National Intelligence Council report completed in January 2003, two months before the Iraq invasion. That report stated that the approaching war had the potential to increase support for political Islam worldwide and could increase support for some terrorist objectives.
Documents released by the White House timed to coincide with the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks emphasized the successes that the United States had made in dismantling the top tier of Al Qaeda.
“Since the Sept. 11 attacks, America and its allies are safer, but we are not yet safe,” concludes one, a report titled “9/11 Five Years Later: Success and Challenges.” “We have done much to degrade Al Qaeda and its affiliates and to undercut the perceived legitimacy of terrorism.”
That document makes only passing mention of the impact the Iraq war has had on the global jihad movement. “The ongoing fight for freedom in Iraq has been twisted by terrorist propaganda as a rallying cry,” it states.
The report mentions the possibility that Islamic militants who fought in Iraq could return to their home countries, “exacerbating domestic conflicts or fomenting radical ideologies.”
On Wednesday, the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee released a more ominous report about the terrorist threat. That assessment, based entirely on unclassified documents, details a growing jihad movement and says, “Al Qaeda leaders wait patiently for the right opportunity to attack.”
The new National Intelligence Estimate was overseen by David B. Low, the national intelligence officer for transnational threats, who commissioned it in 2004 after he took up his post at the National Intelligence Council. Mr. Low declined to be interviewed for this article.
The estimate concludes that the radical Islamic movement has expanded from a core of Qaeda operatives and affiliated groups to include a new class of “self-generating” cells inspired by Al Qaeda’s leadership but without any direct connection to Osama bin Laden or his top lieutenants.
It also examines how the Internet has helped spread jihadist ideology, and how cyberspace has become a haven for terrorist operatives who no longer have geographical refuges in countries like Afghanistan.
In early 2005, the National Intelligence Council released a study concluding that Iraq had become the primary training ground for the next generation of terrorists, and that veterans of the Iraq war might ultimately overtake Al Qaeda’s current leadership in the constellation of the global jihad leadership.
But the new intelligence estimate is the first report since the war began to present a comprehensive picture about the trends in global terrorism.
In recent months, some senior American intelligence officials have offered glimpses into the estimate’s conclusions in public speeches.
“New jihadist networks and cells, sometimes united by little more than their anti-Western agendas, are increasingly likely to emerge,” said Gen. Michael V. Hayden, during a speech in San Antonio in April, the month that the new estimate was completed. “If this trend continues, threats to the U.S. at home and abroad will become more diverse and that could lead to increasing attacks worldwide,” said the general, who was then Mr. Negroponte’s top deputy and is now director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
For more than two years, there has been tension between the Bush administration and American spy agencies over the violence in Iraq and the prospects for a stable democracy in the country. Some intelligence officials have said the White House has consistently presented a more optimistic picture of the situation in Iraq than justified by intelligence reports from the field.
Spy agencies usually produce several national intelligence estimates each year on a variety of subjects. The most controversial of these in recent years was an October 2002 document assessing Iraq’s illicit weapons programs. Several government investigations have discredited that report, and the intelligence community is overhauling how it analyzes data, largely as a result of those investigations.
The broad judgments of the new intelligence estimate are consistent with assessments of global terrorist threats by American allies and independent terrorism experts.
The panel investigating the London terrorist bombings of July 2005 reported in May that the leaders of Britain’s domestic and international intelligence services, MI5 and MI6, “emphasized to the committee the growing scale of the Islamist terrorist threat.”
More recently, the Council on Global Terrorism, an independent research group of respected terrorism experts, assigned a grade of “D+” to United States efforts over the past five years to combat Islamic extremism. The council concluded that “there is every sign that radicalization in the Muslim world is spreading rather than shrinking.”
Esta a Tradução do público.
Note a falta de curiosidade do Jornalista.
Limitou-se a re redigir a notícia acrescentando-lhe um sabor luso.
O jornalista vê-se que não leu o relatório da câmara de representantes a que se alude.
Documentos elaborado pelos serviços secretos citado pela imprensa de hoje
*EUA: relatório confidencial conclui que guerra no Iraque aumentou
ameaça terrorista
Um relatório confidencial dos serviços secretos norte-americanos conclui
que a guerra no Iraque contribuiu para aumentar a ameaça terrorista a
nível global, inspirando uma nova geração de radicais islamistas. Esta
análise contraria a tese oficial da Administração, para quem a queda do
regime de Saddam eliminou um foco de instabilidade internacional.
As conclusões figuram na última Avaliação Nacional de Informação, a mais
importante análise produzida pela comunidade de serviços secretos, com
base em informações recolhidas pelas 16 agências do país, e sujeita a
aprovação de John Negroponte, director nacional de informações.
Este é a primeira análise concluída pelos serviços secretos desde o
início da guerra do Iraque e estava a ser preparada desde 2004.
Segundo a edição de hoje do ?New York Times?, que cita responsáveis
envolvidos na elaboração do relatório, intitulado ?Tendências do
terrorismo global: Implicações para os EUA?, o radicalismo islâmico está
a espalhar-se no mundo, contrariando as expectativas de Washington.
No capítulo inicial, os serviços secretos sustentam que a invasão e a
presença das tropas americanas no Iraque é uma das razões para o
crescimento do ?movimento ?jihadista??. Mais à frente, o relatório
afirma que a campanha no Iraque ?piorou o problema geral do terrorismo?,
acrescenta o jornal, citando um dos seus autores.
O ?NYT? sublinha que esta avaliação é muito mais pessimista do que os
documentos sobre terrorismo divulgados pela Administração, ou do que o
relatório revelado na passada quarta-feira pela Comissão de Serviços
Secretos da Câmara dos Representantes.
De acordo com os vários responsáveis ouvidos pelo diário nova-iorquino,
todos sob condição de anonimato, o sentimento geral é o de que a ameaça
terrorista aumentou desde os atentados de 11 de Setembro. Contudo, as
mesmas fontes sublinham que o documento evita tirar conclusões sobre as
possibilidades de um novo atentado em solo americano.
Em simultâneo, o ?Washington Post? escreve na sua edição de hoje que os
responsáveis dos serviços secretos concordam que os EUA conseguiram, nos
últimos cinco anos, infligir estragos consideráveis à Al-Qaeda,
diminuindo a sua capacidade de planear ou realizar operações de grande
Face ao assédio, acrescenta o jornal, multiplicaram-se as células
terroristas inspiradas na Al-Qaeda, mas com capacidade operacional
própria e sem ligação formal à estrutura central.
A comunicação entre os vários grupos e a partilha de tácticas faz-se
essencialmente através dos cerca das cinco mil páginas islamistas
existentes na Internet, escreve o ?Washington Post?, citando o mesmo
documento. A mensagem comum é a de que a guerra no Iraque é uma
tentativa do Ocidente para estabelecer uma presença permanente no Médio
Oriente, abrindo uma guerra contra o Islão, acrescenta o diário.
Confrontada com estas notícias, a Casa Branca recusou-se a comentar
dados contidos num documento oficial, mas garantiu que as conclusões
citadas pela imprensa ?não são representativas do conjunto do documento?
em causa.
Comprovada a inexistência de armas de destruição maciça no Iraque e face
às recentes conclusões do Senado de que o antigo regime iraquiano não
tinha qualquer ligação à Al-Qaeda, a Administração norte-americana
sustenta que o derrube de Saddam Hussein permitiu a democratização do
país e livrou o mundo de um foco de instabilidade permanente.
E Abaixo podem ver o nível do jornalismo hoje.
Na noticia afirma-se que existem dois relatórios que negam os ganhos que Bush afirma ter feito na guerra ao terrorismo.
Só que de facto os relatórios são 3 , como referi acima.
O relatório da camera dos representantes também afirma que no iraque são treinados terroristas que depois voltam aos seus paises para atacar civis ou o governo.
Os relatórios criticos são pois 3.
Só que ninguém leu o relatório da camara dos representantes até se esquecem que este existe falando-se sempre em dois relatórios ùnicamente.
Bush contends with 2 reports refuting Iraq gains
By Steve Holland1 hour, 26 minutes ago
An intelligence report showing an upsurge in Islamic militancy put the White House on the defensive on Wednesday in an election-year debate over whether President George W. Bush has made America safer.
In a second blow to the president, a new U.N. report said the Iraq war was providing al Qaeda with a training center and fresh recruits, and was inspiring a Taliban resurgence in Afghanistan hundreds of miles away.
Bush ordered the release of parts of the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Tuesday to try to stamp out a political fire after a leaked portion said the Iraq war had increased Islamic extremism.
But a key judgment in the declassified version that could backfire on Bush said intelligence experts believed activists identifying themselves as jihadists "are increasing in both number and geographic dispersion."
The report, prepared in April, also said the Iraq war had become the "cause celebre" for jihadists, breeding a deep resentment of U.S. involvement in the Muslim world and cultivating supporters for the global jihadist movement."
The U.N. report released on Wednesday jibed with the NEI's conclusions.
"New explosive devices are now used in Afghanistan within a month of their first appearing in Iraq," it said. "And while the Taliban have not been found fighting outside Afghanistan/Pakistan, there have been reports of them training in both Iraq and Somalia."
The U.N. report was prepared by terrorism experts for the Security Council,
The White House has scrambled to try to explain the intelligence assessment, given Bush's September 7 claim that "America is winning the war on terror."
Spokesman Tony Snow insisted during a combative session with reporters that the United States and allies had made great gains against al Qaeda, including taking out key leaders, taking away a safe haven in Afghanistan and attacking its financial support.
He said even if the United States had not been fighting the Iraq war, the threat from Islamic extremists would still exist, given the attacks attributed to al Qaeda before September 11.
After a high-profile series of speeches by Bush marking the fifth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, Republicans had felt better about their chances of holding on to both houses of the U.S. Congress in November 7 elections.
The question now is whether that momentum will be stalled by an intelligence report both sides are battling to use to their advantage.
Democrats tried to raise doubts about Bush's handling of the war on terrorism.
"The president likes to say 'we're winning the war on terror' but now the American people can read for themselves that the intelligence community believes something different: The war in Iraq is increasing the threat of terrorism at home and around the world," said Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean.
Republican strategist Scott Reed said a debate over terrorism helps Republicans. "Any day Republicans can keep it on terrorism and taxes is a winner," he said.
Democrats also called on Bush to release the entire National Intelligence Estimate after the White House declassified only 3-1/2 pages.
The White House refused, saying to do so would reveal sources and methods of intelligence collection, put agents at risk and imperil relations with foreign governments.
At the same time, California Rep. Jane Harman (news, bio, voting record), senior Democrat on the House intelligence committee, accused the Bush administration of holding back until after the election a new NIE being prepared on Iraq.
Snow said Harman was "just flat wrong," that the report was not even in a draft form and would take time to complete.
(Additional reporting by Thomas Ferraro, Tabassum Zakaria, Matt Spetalnick, David Morgan, Vicki Allen and Irwin Arieff)
May 17, 2004
The Uncurious Press
The Uncurious Press
May 17, 2004
Eye Openers:
Where Was Press When First Iraq Prison Allegations Arose? asks Greg Mitchell in the May 13 issue of Editor and Publisher. Mitchell Associated Press correspondent Charles Hanley, who first broke the story of prisoner abuse in November of 2003. Mitchell writes:
"He is still amazed that apparently no one else was looking into the allegations, and no major newspaper picked up on his reporting after it appeared. Why? "That's something you'd have to ask editors at major newspapers," he said. "But there does seem to be a very strong prejudice toward investing U.S. official statements with credibility while disregarding statements from almost any other source -- and in this current situation, Iraqi sources."
Posted by Jeremy Iggers at May 17, 2004 08:15 AM
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